The Fallout franchise, particularly since Fallout 3, has been renowned for its massive scale and popularity. The post-nuclear-war setting offers intriguing stories and formidable monsters to encounter. Fallout 4 was the last single-player installment before Fallout 76 transitioned the series into a persistent multiplayer experience. A significant allure of these games is the ability to immerse yourself in the game world and role-play, which can be disrupted by other players in multiplayer settings. With the help of mods, now is the perfect time to revisit the last standalone Fallout game.
Similar to Skyrim, Fallout 4 mods are incredibly popular. Some aim to fix the numerous bugs and glitches in Bethesda games, while others introduce new features. Mods expand the already open and dynamic base game, offering endless opportunities to customize and enhance your gaming experience. With so many mods available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. We’ve curated a list of the best Fallout 4 mods that you should consider installing before venturing out of the vault once again.
Full Dialogue Interface
One of the major criticisms of Fallout 4 was its dialogue system, which limited the scope and flexibility of conversations. The Full Dialogue Interface mod addresses this issue by providing full text of what your character will say, improving immersion and player choice. This simple mod restructures the conversation UI to display text in a vertical list format, akin to previous games in the series. With versions for both keyboard and gamepad support, this mod enhances the overall dialogue experience in Fallout 4.
The LooksMenu mod enhances character customization by expanding the feature list for easier navigation. This mod offers additional skin forms, colors, hair colors, and options to adjust face textures, providing players with more customization choices beyond the base game’s limitations.
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