Paramount unveiled a new series based on the popular video game called ARK: The Animated Series, which is inspired by the survival game ARK: Survival Evolved. The show premiered on Paramount+, with the first six episodes available for streaming exclusively in the U.S. and Canada. The global rollout is scheduled for April 19, with the remaining episodes set to launch at a later date.
ARK: The Animated Series follows the story of a 21st-century paleontologist who finds herself on an island teeming with dinosaurs and other creatures. To survive, she must form alliances with other humans and unravel the mystery of her presence there, a familiar theme for ARK players.
The star-studded cast includes Michelle Yeoh, Russell Crowe, Gerard Butler, David Tennant, Jeffrey Wright, Elliot Page, Madeleine Madden, and Vin Diesel. Crowe, Butler, and Diesel also serve as executive producers for the series.
The first trailer for the animated series was released in early 2023 and is expected to delve deeper into the lore of the franchise ahead of the release of Ark 2, rumored to arrive in late 2024.