If you’re curious about which champions pair well with Vayne, here are the top five supports to consider playing alongside her in season 14.
The Top Supports for Vayne in League of Legends
Vayne has not been a popular pick in recent seasons due to her kit not aligning with the meta. However, buffs given to her this season have started to change that narrative. With her improved build and buffs, Vayne can now hold her own against squishier team compositions, not just countering beefy frontlines with her true damage from W. That said, Vayne relies on strong supports to help her scale and reach her power spikes. Not all champions synergize well with her, so it’s crucial to know which supports work best.
For this reason, we have curated a list of the top supports to partner with Vayne. By outlining their strengths and weaknesses, you can better understand how each duo functions.
Lulu – the Best Support for Vayne
With Milio receiving multiple nerfs, Lulu has reclaimed her position as the top support choice for Vayne. Lulu provides excellent peeling abilities with Polymorph (W) and Help, Pix! (E), offering a shield and attack speed boost. Additionally, she can ult Vayne with Wild Growth (R) for added protection.
While this bot lane may face early challenges, if you can handle the pressure and farm efficiently, this duo will grow in importance during the mid-late game.
Milio – The Best Lulu Alternative
Following Milio’s nerfs, he is now primarily chosen as an alternative to Lulu. Milio struggles more with early-game peeling due to lower shields and a trickier Q to land. However, he can be a viable pick against teams with numerous crowd control effects.
Read also: Best supports to play with Milio in LoL
Thresh – the Top Engager Support for Vayne
Thresh is an incredibly versatile support, making him an ideal partner for Vayne.
While Thresh can make plays and engage, his focus shifts to peeling for Vayne when paired with her.
Thresh’s role is to prevent any potential threats to Vayne’s safety. Utilize the lantern (W) and Flay (E) to shield her, and use the ultimate (R) if necessary. With its 99% slow for 2 seconds, Thresh’s ultimate is excellent for neutralizing enemies. When playing Vayne, Thresh stands out as the top choice for engage supports.
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Nami – an Enchanter Support Option for Vayne
Despite significant nerfs to most enchanters, Nami remains a strong pick that pairs well with Vayne. Her healing capabilities help Vayne navigate the laning phase and accelerate her scaling.
As Nami, focus on assisting Vayne with minion waves and avoiding being overwhelmed by large waves. Stay vigilant for potential incoming dives, as losing either of you in those situations can set back your progress. Remember that both champions are squishy, so monitor the enemy jungler to predict threats.
Senna – the Trending Support Choice
Another enchanter support on the rise is Senna. Recent item changes have enhanced her healing potential and supportive playstyle.
Prioritize farming over heavy early skirmishes when playing this duo. Given Vayne’s weaker early game, avoid aggressive trades unless you can safely harass opponents. Senna should concentrate on stabilizing waves and incorporating small auto-attack trades. Once Vayne obtains two items, she becomes a significant threat in teamfights. Senna’s job is to heal and support Vayne, using her ultimate for shielding or securing kills when necessary.
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