Discover the top Camille counters in LoL for this season and gear up to climb the ranks with this effective list.
Top Three Camille Counters in LoL
Once a popular pick in the top lane, Camille has somewhat fallen out of favor in recent LoL seasons. However, she still possesses strong split-pushing, dueling, and initiation abilities. In skilled hands, she remains a formidable champion to contend with.
Prior to diving into the best Camille counters, make sure to familiarize yourself with our guide on counter picks in League of Legends. Understanding the importance of counter picks and how different classes interact will enhance your gameplay and boost your win rate.
Gwen – The “Scissors” Duel
Early game weaknesses are common for both champions, making it unlikely for one to secure a kill. As the match progresses and items are acquired, Gwen gains the upper hand due to her healing capabilities with Riftmaker. Additionally, Gwen excels in split-pushing, giving her a significant advantage over Camille.
Urgot – Poisonous Opposition
Urgot’s superior waveclear gives him the advantage in exerting side lane pressure over Camille. If Camille attempts to engage, she will struggle to withstand Urgot’s damage output. Camille’s best course of action in this matchup is to seek kills through roams and flanks elsewhere on the map.
Tryndamere – Survival over Combos
Camille’s strength lies in executing targets with her combos, which is why she is a popular pick. However, Tryndamere’s resilience in the face of danger and strengthened state during close combat situations make it challenging for Camille to secure victories. Camille’s focus should shift towards survival and team support in teamfights.
Champions to Avoid When Facing Camille
Quinn – Locking Down Mobility
Quinn’s range advantage grants her the upper hand in the laning phase, allowing her to pressure Camille early on. However, Camille can capitalize on Quinn’s vulnerability by immobilizing her with her ultimate ability. While picking Quinn blindly is not recommended, be prepared for a tough matchup against Camille.
Gnar – Capitalizing on Mistakes
Similar to Quinn, Gnar can leverage his range in mini form to harass Camille. Nonetheless, Camille can turn the tables with her kit, especially when Gnar transitions to his mega form. Patience and strategic engagement are key to overcoming Gnar as Camille.
Strategies for Countering Camille with Items
When facing Camille, prioritize building a mix of armor and health. Consider the following item recommendations based on your champion’s class:
- Bruisers: Death Dance, Sterak’s Gage, Warden’s Mail
- AD Assassins: Guardian’s Angel
- ADC Champions: Guardian’s Angel
- AP Champions: Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Tanks: Warden’s Mail, Plated Steelcaps
Champions that Counter Camille
The top Camille counters include Gwen, Urgot, and Tryndamere, while other strong contenders are Rek’Sai, Olaf, and Gragas.
Is Aatrox a Counter to Camille?
Aatrox is designed to counter champions who initiate on him, including Camille. However, skilled play and effective cooldown management can give Camille opportunities to trade hits. A 1-on-1 scenario typically favors Aatrox due to his sustain, but player skill ultimately determines the outcome.
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