Star Wars: The Acolyte promises to be a unique addition to the Star Wars universe, offering a glimpse into the world of Jedi during the High Republic era. The series will follow Jedi as they investigate crimes and uncover sinister forces in the shadows towards the end of this era.
With the rich history of Star Wars, fans can only speculate on what The Acolyte will bring to the franchise. Here are five things that fans hope to see in the show’s first season.
The Jedi-Sith War
While set in the High Republic Era, the presence of Sith villains in The Acolyte offers an opportunity to delve into the extensive history of the Jedi-Sith conflict. The show could showcase a wartime history lesson where Jedi and Sith clash during the fall of the Old Republic, leading to the near-extinction of the Sith.
Similar to the epic battles in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, such a grand confrontation could set the stage for the upcoming battles against the Jedi’s ancient adversaries, satisfying fans awaiting adaptations like Knights of the Old Republic.
The Nightsisters
The Nightsisters of Dathomir have played a significant role in the Star Wars universe through shows like The Clone Wars, Rebels, and Ahsoka. With Jodie Turner-Smith reportedly leading a group of Force witches in The Acolyte, the possibility of the Nightsisters aligning with the Sith secretly to oppose the Jedi is intriguing.
Darth Tenebrous
While the Star Wars Expanded Universe is not canon, Disney has introduced exceptions like Grand Admiral Thrawn to the franchise. Darth Tenebrous, a lesser-known Sith Lord, could be revitalized as the hidden antagonist in The Acolyte.
Known for his unique abilities and schemes to shape the future, Tenebrous’ presence in the series could integrate old canon elements and add depth to the storyline.
Taking place 100 years before The Phantom Menace, there is a possibility for Yoda to make a cameo in The Acolyte, showcasing the Grand Master in his prime during the High Republic era.
While not confirmed in the cast list, Disney may surprise fans with a grand entrance for Yoda, akin to Luke Skywalker’s appearance in The Mandalorian.
Darth Plagueis
Darth Plagueis, a significant figure in Star Wars lore, has yet to appear on screen. As the Sith master of Emperor Palpatine, his quest for eternal life and his role in the downfall of the Jedi remain untold.
Disney now has the opportunity to bring Darth Plagueis to life, showcasing his power and influence in the events of The Acolyte.
Star Wars: The Acolyte premieres on June 4 on Disney+.
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