Jordan Mechner has been a renowned game designer since he introduced Karateka in 1984 and Prince of Persia in 1989. But one of his standout contributions to the industry is his graphic novel memoir Replay: Memoir of an Uprooted Family, which premiered last week during the Game Developers Conference.
It’s a deeply personal memoir not only of Mechner‘s four decades as a game designer but also the survival story of his parents and grandparents during two world wars. The sacrifices and risks his family endured to survive World War I and escape Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II paved the way for him to lead a normal life, allowing him to grow into a talented creator.
Mechner had the opportunity to document his family history in part because his grandfather, a retired doctor in the 1970s, spent three years writing a family autobiography. This narrative intertwines with Mechner’s own journey with Prince of Persia over more than three decades.
In 2016, he relocated from Los Angeles to Montpelier, France, for a new video game project as an American with two teenage kids, reversing the journey the previous generation risked their lives to accomplish. Replay was released last year in France, where it has received accolades, including the 2023 “Chateau de Cheverny” graphic novel prize.
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