If you’re finding it difficult to defeat Sylas in the mid lane, don’t worry. We’ve compiled a list of the best counters to help you increase your win rate in LoL.
Sylas Counters in LoL – Top Picks
Sylas shook up the LoL meta with his ability to steal ultimates from other champions. To help you deal with his oppressive nature, we’ve identified the top three Sylas counters and explained why they work effectively.
New to the game? Check out our guide on counter picks in LoL to understand their importance and how they can boost your win rate. Knowing how classes counter each other in LoL will also help you make the right picks in every game.
Veigar – Master of Scaling
Veigar excels at scaling while Sylas prefers close combat. With Veigar’s range advantage and scaling potential, he can keep Sylas at bay and eventually outscale him in the mid lane.
Taliyah – Master of Terrain Control
Taliyah’s ability to control terrain and maintain lane priority makes her a strong counter to Sylas. She can prevent Sylas from engaging and roam effectively with her range advantage.
Jayce – Dominator of Lanes
Jayce may not be a popular pick in the mid lane, but he excels against Sylas. With harass from his cannon form and burst damage from his hammer form, Jayce can dominate the lane with proper aggression and laning fundamentals.
Counter-Productive Picks Against Sylas
Malphite – The Unfavorable Matchup
Picking Malphite against Sylas is not recommended. Malphite lacks the damage to burst down Sylas, who can easily steal Malphite’s ultimate. The goal here is to survive and prevent Sylas from snowballing.
Yone – A Challenging Matchup
While Yone fares better than Malphite against Sylas, it’s still a tough matchup. Sylas can heal up Yone’s damage and easily dodge Yone’s trading patterns. Additionally, Sylas can steal Yone’s powerful ultimate for extra advantages.
Countering Sylas with Items
When facing Sylas, consider building magic resistance. Here are some items you should consider based on your champion’s class:
- Bruisers: Maw of Malmortius, Force of Nature
- AD assassins: Maw of Malmortius
- ADC champions: Wit’s End
- AP champions: Banshee’s Veil, Abyssal Mask
- Tanks: Force of Nature, Raenic Rakoorn
Champion Counters to Sylas
The top counters to Sylas are Veigar, Taliyah, and Jayce. Other effective counters include Anivia, Yasuo, and Vladimir.
Does Katarina Counter Sylas?
The Katarina-Sylas matchup depends on trading patterns. Katarina struggles if Sylas lands his combos effectively. Post level six, Katarina’s plays can be thwarted by Sylas’s E ability. Overall, the matchup favors Sylas.
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