Noah Hawley, the talented creator of the TV shows Fargo and Legion, faces a challenging task with his upcoming FX TV prequel to Alien. To achieve success, he should focus on returning to the horror and mystery elements that made the original 1979 film a classic, rather than following the action blockbuster style of recent Alien movies.
Utilizing Earth as a setting
According to FX’s limited details, the upcoming Alien TV series, set to premiere in the second half of 2025, is likely to be chronologically earlier in the franchise and perhaps the first installment primarily based on Earth.
Hawley intends to depart from the previous prequels and explore Earth as a mysterious and underutilized setting in the Alien universe, providing a fresh perspective for the series.
Creating authentic environments
Hawley has the opportunity to create a unique environment on Earth for his prequel, akin to the authenticity seen in the original Alien film, where the setting felt lived-in and realistic, enhancing the horror elements that followed.
Making use of the franchise’s vagueness about alien life