Struggling to beat Pantheon in LoL? Here are some top counters to help shift the tide in your favor.
Pantheon Counters in LoL – Three Top Choices
Pantheon is known for dominating the early game with his predictable yet fast combos. Fortunately, there are several strong counter picks to consider:
If you are new to the game, learn more about counter picks in League of Legends to effectively increase your win rate. Understanding class counters will also enhance your game knowledge and help you identify which champions are stronger in specific situations.
Gragas – The BOMBA
Gragas is a fantastic pick against Pantheon due to his built-in sustain, disengage abilities, and burst damage potential. With a solid grasp of trading patterns, Gragas can effectively take down Pantheon.
Irelia – The Dancing Queen
Irelia is another strong counter to Pantheon, utilizing sustain and the ability to negate most of Pantheon’s damage. While the early game may be challenging, Irelia prevails after the first item completion.
Illaoi – Are You Sure You Want to All-In Me?
Illaoi excels at countering champions looking to fight head-on, making her a formidable opponent for Pantheon. Her goal is to punish Pantheon’s roams by applying consistent side lane pressure.
Worst Pantheon Counters
Teemo – The Devil Will Suffer
Teemo, known for countering melee champions, struggles against Pantheon due to the Targon champion’s shield negating Teemo’s damage potential.
Akali – It’s Time to Pin Her Down
Akali faces an uphill battle against Pantheon due to his point-and-click stun, making it difficult for her to trade effectively. Pantheon’s mid-game strength gives him the advantage in skirmishes against Akali.
Countering Pantheon’s Items
In addition to champion counters, consider itemization strategies when facing Pantheon. Stack armor and health to survive his burst damage and build specific items based on your champion class.
Champion Counters to Pantheon
Gragas, Irelia, and Illaoi are the top counters to Pantheon, while situational picks include Olaf, Trundle, and Ornn.
Does Pantheon Counter Riven?
While Pantheon can gain an early advantage against Riven, it is mostly a skill matchup, and Riven will eventually outscale him. Without strong lane fundamentals, it’s best to avoid picking Pantheon into Riven.