If you struggle against Akali in League of Legends, there are specific champions that serve as the best counters this season.
Akali Counters in LoL: The Top Choices
While League of Legends is a dynamic game, certain variables remain consistent over time, such as counters. Today, we will review the best counters against one of the most elusive champions in the game: Akali.
If you’re new to League of Legends, check out our guide on counter picks in the game. While they won’t guarantee victory, they can give you an edge and improve your win rate.
Twisted Fate: The Meta Counter
Twisted Fate is currently one of the best Akali counters due to his range advantage and ability to clear waves effectively. Additionally, his ultimate allows him to roam the map and support his team, putting pressure on Akali and limiting her options.
Galio: The Traditional Counter
Galio’s kit allows him to counter Akali effectively, with abilities that can disrupt her all-ins and protect allies. Since his rework, Galio has become a reliable counter to Akali in League of Legends.
Kassadin: Outscaling is Key
Despite Kassadin’s weak early game, he can outscale Akali in the later stages of the game. His Q can also negate some of Akali’s damage, giving him an advantage in trades.
Worst Counters to Akali
Viktor: A Poor Choice
While Viktor may struggle against Akali, especially in the later stages of the game, due to her ability to quickly close the gap and take him out.
Corki: Vulnerable Against Akali
Corki’s low early game damage and vulnerability make him an unfavorable pick against Akali, as she can easily outmaneuver and take him out.
Countering Akali’s Items
When facing Akali, consider items like Maw of Malmortius, Banshee’s Veil, or Kaenic Rookern, depending on your champion’s class.
Champions Synergizing with Akali
The best champions to pair with Akali are Twisted Fate, Galio, and Kassadin, though others may also work in specific situations.
Does Ahri Counter Akali?
The Ahri-Akali matchup depends on player skill and mechanics, with Ahri typically having an advantage in short trades while Akali excels in all-ins.
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