Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story introduces a narrative-focused gameplay exploring the world of Runterra. This game represents the final project of Riot Forge, as it was recently shut down along with other Riot Games layoffs. Developed by Lazy Bear Games, it takes place in Bandle City, where players embark on a quest to reunite the portal network and find lost friends. It offers a crafting RPG experience, rich with humor and engaging dialogue. While Bandle Tale may feel like a departure from typical League of Legends titles, it provides a unique and captivating experience for players. Riot Games estimates it will take 40 to 60 hours of playtime to complete, making it a standout addition to the League of Legends universe.
The recent shutdown of Riot Forge represents a significant shift in the gaming industry. With external studios no longer working on smaller-scale games in the League of Legends IP, this closure serves as a poignant reminder of the constant changes in the gaming landscape. While it’s sad to see an initiative like Riot Forge come to an end, its legacy will live on through unique and innovative games like Bandle Tale. Though the future of single-player experiences within Riot Games remains uncertain, Bandle Tale stands as a testament to the creative and imaginative storytelling that has defined Riot Forge’s brief existence.
Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story stands as a testament to the creativity and bold innovation of Riot Forge, leaving a lasting legacy in the League of Legends universe. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, it’s important to celebrate the diverse and imaginative storytelling offered by games like Bandle Tale, which provides a unique and captivating experience for players.
Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story launches on February 21 for PC and Nintendo Switch.
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