Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) has made its return with the launch of the 2024 season. The fan-favorite rotating game mode is now available on Patch 14.3. Discover the top duo lanes to dominate your enemies in URF.
What’s new in URF this year?
URF is a special game mode based in Summoner’s Fift, where players receive the Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome. This buff provides 100% mana cost reduction, 300 ability haste, and increased attack speed. Additionally, the cannon allows players to teleport to their half of the map, and all minions grant 40% more gold compared to Summoner’s Rift. Furthermore, Riot has opted to balance champions closer to their real win rate in Summoner’s Rift instead of a flat 50% in this version of URF.
Who can I play?
In this iteration of URF, players can choose their champion, ban one champion each during champion select, and all champions are available for play in URF. The URF buff completely changes the strength dynamic of various champions and emphasizes the importance of good synergy, with strong duo lanes being able to easily carry any URF game.
Now, let’s explore the best URF Duo Combos:
Top duo lanes for URF
Here are the top three duo lane combinations as well as five additional potential combinations to use in URF:
Smolder + Janna
Combine Smolder with Janna for a powerful duo lane with great sustainability and damage output.
Zed + Annie
Create an unstoppable combination with Zed and Annie, taking advantage of Zed’s poke abilities and Annie’s point-click stuns.
Shaco + Kayle
Team up Shaco and Kayle for an unbeatable late-game combination with high damage and survivability.
Ezreal + Xerath
Employ a strategy of constant harassment and poking with Ezreal and Xerath to make life difficult for your opponents.
Fizz + Qiyana
Take advantage of the high burst, gap closes, and AOE damage of Fizz and Qiyana to dominate the enemy jungle and teamfights.
Shen + Tristana
Try out the surprising combo of Shen and Tristana to set up fast combos, counter melee champions, and save each other in tricky situations.
Maokai + Morgana
Experience the power of crowd control with the Maokai and Morgana duo that can lock down enemies for an extended period.
Gragas + Malphite
Use the insane engage and AOE damage of Gragas and Malphite to wreak havoc on your opponents once you reach level 6.
When does URF end?
URF is likely to end alongside the Heavenscale event for the Lunar New Year at the end of February. Make sure not to miss out on the action before it concludes.
Why is URF released so rarely?
Riot releases URF sparingly due to the potential for player burnout, restricting its release to special occasions such as the upcoming 2022 League of Legends World Championships.
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