If you’re looking to cancel your Peacock TV subscription, whether it’s for budget reasons or you’ve exhausted the available content, we’ve got you covered with a hassle-free cancellation process.
Cancel Peacock TV on your web browser
This method applies to those who signed up through the main Peacock TV website and offers a straightforward cancellation process.
Step 1: Head to the Peacock login page and log in with your account information.
Step 2: Click on your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the Peacock screen.
Step 3: Select “account” in the upper-right corner of the Peacock screen.
Step 4: Choose “cancel account” under Plans & Payments.
Step 5: Specify the reason for canceling your account in the form, and then select “continue”.
Step 6: Finally, click on “cancel plan” to deactivate your Peacock account.
Cancel Peacock on Roku
If you subscribed through a Roku streaming device, follow these steps to cancel your Peacock TV subscription.
Step 1: Visit the Roku login page and log in with your information.
Step 2: Select “manage subscriptions” from the menu.
Step 3: Locate Peacock TV in your subscriptions and click on “unsubscribe” next to the app.
Step 4: Confirm your decision by selecting “confirm” to cancel your Peacock TV subscription.