Mistplay has conducted an in-depth study on gamer spending, revealing insights into why mobile gamers make in-game purchases. A significant discovery is that 32% of spenders, including 41% of high-value spenders, intend to reduce their in-game spending and opt for more budget-friendly choices for discretionary expenses.
Based in Montreal, Mistplay, a popular loyalty app rewarding engagement from mobile gamers, has released its 2024 Mobile Gaming Spender Report, providing a detailed analysis of factors crucial for sustainable growth in today’s market.
According to Jason Heller, Mistplay’s CEO, the report outlines potential shifts in player spending and identifies key influences impacting future investments. Armed with these findings, the mobile gaming industry, including leadership, product, monetization, and acquisition teams, can develop targeted strategies to address impending challenges effectively.
“A new reality is emerging in the mobile gaming industry, leading to a divergence between winning and losing gaming publishers,” noted Heller. “With varying user motivations and increased competition, executing strategic insights becomes paramount for sustainable business growth. We believe those focusing on diversifying user acquisition, enhancing product market fit, and fostering long-term loyalty will thrive amidst industry changes.”
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In the quest for sustainable growth, Heller emphasized the significance of understanding evolving user spending patterns. By deciphering user behavior and motivations, publishers can navigate challenges of decreasing spending and fierce market competition effectively.